What are the differences between tree services & land clearing services?

Rockwood offers both tree services and land clearing services -- but how are these service categories different?

In this video we will break down the differences between Rockwood's tree services and land clearing services.

Our tree services cover a wide range of purposes from residential tree inspections & removals to commercial and emergency tree services.

The main difference is in the number of trees involved in the project.

Our tree services revolve around the inspection, trimming, and removal of individual trees on either residential or commercial properties.

If you are a private land owner or a commercial land owner that needs one or more trees maintained on your property, these services are for you!

For large scale removal of trees, Rockwood offers land clearing and underbrush removal services.

These types of services involve the mass removal of trees from a large area usually in preparation for further land development.

Rockwood offers services that cover the cutting, removal, mulching and even stump excavation depending on the land owner's needs.

We also provide arborist reports and expert advice in terms of which trees can be safely and legally removed.

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