What is stump removal and why is it important?

Stump removal involves the complete or partial removal of a tree stump to remove any obstructions at ground level

What is stump removal and why is it important?

After a tree is cut down or has fallen down there's almost always an embedded stump in the ground!

Often times this stump is considered obtrusive or unsightly and needs to be removed.

This is often easier said than done, however, especially without specialized equipment!

Because trees have extensive root structures beneath the surface they can be very difficult to excavate.

One solution that is used is a stump grinder.

This piece of equipment uses a rotating blade to grind the stump down to be level with the ground.

Often times the stump is ground down to slightly below grade and then filled in with earth to appear completely invisible.

Another option is to excavate the stump using heavy machinery.

This option is often difficult to carry out in tight spaces such as a residential backyard where large machinery will simply not fit.

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